Pricing Plan

If you have a business and you want to succeed in today’s market, you are going to need a website. Start here! Choose a tier that rights for you!

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Let us know which tier you’re interested in and we can discuss your specific needs. 


Answers to Your Questions

How many pages do I need?

If you are on a tight budget, Tier 1 might be a good way for you to at least get started on the web. However, if you have a bigger budget, then increasing the size of your website to 3 pages will be a better option. We can help you decide, but it all depends on your content and your business.

What is “mobile optimization?”

It’s important to make sure that have a mobile-friendly web design because more people are searching on their phones and ipads these days.

What is a domain name and host?

A domain name is ” dot com” name that identifies a website. It is what users type in their browser to visit your site. Web hosting is a service that provides space on a server for your website files, allowing it to be available on the internet. You will need both to have a searchable website.Yes, we can take care of both of these.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the way that our team makes sure that your website, social media presence, advertising, and all other online presence are geared toward getting eyes on your business. The internet is a great tool for business, but the algorithms for search engines like Google are complicated. So, many people pay for a website to be designed, but when no one can see your beautiful website, it really doesn’t make an impact on your bottom line.

Do I need a blog?

A blog will give you the opportunity to add content to your website to rank higher in search results, however, you need to have the time and expertise to write this content and to make it search engine optimized. You will also need to post consistent material and be able to add this to your website (unless you opt into our maintenance package).

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business setup will help you rank in local searches. It helps customers find your business.

Do I need to pay for monthly maintenance?

If you are not very comfortable with technology, then you might find it challenging to update your product pages, images, etc. on your own, however, you could pay the monthly maintenance to have this done for you. We offer a few monthly maintenance packages to fit your needs.

Contact Us

Laura – 901.210.9348

Jack – 901.846.0649


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Hatcher Desing co Pricing. We offer competitive pricing that offers the best services for the best prices. Check out the pricing above to see which pricing package you might be interested in.